It’s always great to hear things from a client’s personal perspective in their own words. We often get great verbal feedback from our participants. The problems is usually at the beginning or end of a session and we don’t always write it down. So we were really moved to receive this lovely testimonial. Here is Jay’s story…
"In September 2019 I joined a Tai Chi Class run by Movement in Mind Therapy. After six months we went into lockdown and the class continued on Zoom. I count my blessing everyday that I joined this class, it has been a lifesaver especially, during these dark winter months. So, what I have gained out of this experience? From the impact of living on my own, and only having outside contact one day a week, I am left with no doubt that there would have been a decline in quality and contentment of my life. This did not happen because every week I connected with this wonderful activity group. The physical effects of taking part in Tai Chi’s strength building exercise are plain for me to see. My whole body is leaner and more supple making my joints move with ease. I have developed a core strength that I have not had in years. However, it is the mind that has gained the most. For, when I sink down into the rhythm of the movement, there is a calmness that takes away the everyday stresses and strains of my life. Also adding to the sessions are the moments of laughter that usually come about from mistakes that myself and other class members throw into the mix. If anyone asked me for information on how to overcome the difficulties of lockdown, I would advise going to the place where calmness and tranquillity is on the agenda."
Jay regularly attends the online and in person Tai Chi sessions in our wellbeing programme