Hip pain can affect people of any age. Most people don’t think about their hips unless they begin to have pain and stiffness. Of course, aging does have an effect on your hip joints but so do some sports! Whatever the cause, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to live with pain and stiffness.
Hips and knees are the largest joints in our body. They play a vital role in weight bearing and most lower body movements. In order for us to walk and/or step in any direction, these ball-and-socket joints need to engage. Hip pain can make bending as well as walking very painful. Many people experience limited hip mobility, which not only affects movement, but causes intense pain at times. Tension, pain, and tightness in the hips can also affect your balance, low back, and can cause spinal issues.
Regular practice of Qi Gong helps to improve physical and functional ability, as well as balance. There are no side effects like there are with many medications and Tai Chi and Qigong are safe for people of all ages and most physical conditions!
How do Tai Chi & Qi Gong help hip pain?
The hip socket rotation that happens when you practice Tai Chi and/or Qigong regularly and correctly acts as a pump to help restore the synovial fluid in the joint, nourishing the cartilage and enabling the joints to move more smoothly. Tai Chi and Qigong don’t overly stress the joints because they are are low impact. The movements may also restore hip joint integrity, but you need to be sure to use body awareness whenever you shift your weight or rotate your hip, and negotiate the movements in a relaxed manner.
Exercise and physical therapy can stabilize, strengthen, and stretch the hips, as well as relieve pain and improve motion. Quite a few patients prefer Tai Chi or Qigong over physical therapy for a variety of reasons, which is why we include them in our wellness programme