Dance Movement Psychotherapy

Dance Movement Psychotherapy

DMP is a relational process in which clients and therapist engage creatively using body movement and dance, as well as verbal and non-verbal reflection. There is no choreography to learn and no teaching of movements. The therapist guides participants to explore their own movement vocabulary.

Join us and take this opportunity to meet your resolve to take more care of yourself, make sure you have some ‘me’-time each week, and connect in a creative space with new people. We are meeting on zoom to get physically and creatively active; finding ways to connect through movement, ways to be quiet together, always paying attention to our body’s sensations, moves, rhythms, shapes – and how we are consciously and unconsciously expressing ‘self’. Expressive movement can help us explore different kinds of emotions.This group is for everyone. We invite you to join our growing community to discover the benefits of movement-based therapy. Take this opportunity to explore more personal issues in a safe and friendly space.

Facilitator: Shirley Brocklehurst MA RDMP

I am a registered Dance Movement Psychotherapist. In my private practice, I provide a creative and calm space to work towards better mental and physical health. The body and mind are intrinsically connected and Dance Movement Psychotherapy is a process of making sense of blocks, confusions and overwhelming experiences in the body, for a balanced sense of self. I have decades of experience of working with movement and applying the therapeutic model to a variety of client needs. I have a deep understanding of the relationship between psyche and soma – recognising the body’s physical system and how it interfaces with our mindful self.

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